This gallery contains 16 photos.
I am always a little bothered in the end, when I learn that the title of a movie has nothing to do with the movie. The Pact is just such a film that had me… Continue reading
This gallery contains 16 photos.
I am always a little bothered in the end, when I learn that the title of a movie has nothing to do with the movie. The Pact is just such a film that had me… Continue reading
This gallery contains 10 photos.
Yes! I admit it. I just got around to watching Dead Hooker in a Trunk. Believe it or not, it’s true. How could you possibly wait so long, you ask? Twelve years to be exact? The answer is… Continue reading
This gallery contains 6 photos.
Hallucinations in movies are rarely done right. If done correctly, visual hallucinations should be cowitnessed by the audience, only when the affected character is also looking in the direction of the hallucination. If the audience sees an objective view that the affected person… Continue reading
This gallery contains 8 photos.
Most movies that attempt meshing imagination with reality fail miserably. For most, the routes taken to connect and disconnect the two are paved with confusion and inconsistency; in the end… Continue reading
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I’ve often thought that revenge provides the best motives for the best horror movies. Revenge can turn ordinary people into monsters, at least for the time needed to cut, hack, slash and torture their way to happiness… Continue reading
This gallery contains 12 photos.
If you could have your choice of any birthday gift, what would it be? A diamond ring, a pearl necklace, tickets to your favorite vacation spot, a car, or any of the other usual, popular choices? Or, being honest, would it be something totally different! Could it, perhaps, be… Continue reading
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Is the sound of peeling a tangerine like the sound of peeling flesh from a body? Does the fascia beneath release its dermal layer, as a fruity metaphor, resisting hopelessly, succumbing soon enough? Continue reading
This gallery contains 7 photos.
Tony (written and directed by Gerard Johnson) is a movie exactly about what it is sometimes subtitled–a “London Serial Killer”–ironically, far from the banality implied. As the tagline says, “It’s always the quiet ones.” Yes! If ever there was a … Continue reading
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I always love a good found-footage horror film. However, finding a good one is not so easy these days. Since the first mainstream example in the genre–The Blair Witch Project in 1999–such a film with anything original and different to … Continue reading
This gallery contains 33 photos.
In my years watching horror films, I’ve accumulated a book’s worth of advice for surviving one. Yes! Life in a horror movie is a close call at death every minute. Arteries are cut, necks are broken, bodies are eviscerated… Continue reading
This gallery contains 13 photos.
I am often asked who I think is the “scariest” of movie monsters. Yes! It’s a clichéd question, dragged through the blood of and gore of movie-loving minds the world over… Continue reading
This gallery contains 14 photos.
Rockets are rumbling and ready to launch at Space Jockey Reviews, with the latest news from Sweden! Sargad (Wounded)–the first feature horror film from from the beautiful, ultra-talented Sarah Giercksky (and Bloody Fierce Productions)–is coming to DVD in 2017, making … Continue reading
This gallery contains 10 photos.
Recently, on a weekend night at Walmart, in a one of those big, bargain movie bins (the one’s that have movies overflowing to the top, spilling onto the floor as you try to find the one you want), I found … Continue reading
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Marvelous Mandy (directed by Chase Dudley, written by Brentt Slabchuck) is the story of a mentally-deranged woman named Mandy (Paula Marcenaro Solinger) who suffers from an inability to perceive and/or accept her life as it is. Rather than accept reality, … Continue reading
This gallery contains 20 photos.
A phobia is bad enough, on its own, without other terrors to make it worse. Yes! Just a fear of going out of your house can be the worst of things to haunt you. However, imagine a situation where your home becomes… Continue reading
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“People with agoraphobia often have a hard time feeling safe in any public place. The fears can be so overwhelming that you may be essentially trapped in your own home.” ~ Couch Sessions: Dealing with Agoraphobia by Giggi H. Hopkins … Continue reading
This gallery contains 13 photos.
I attended the Fright Night Film Festival and Horror Convention in Louisville, Kentucky last Saturday and had a bloody good time, as usual. On this occasion, however, my list of favorite things done was topped with something extra special. I … Continue reading
This gallery contains 17 photos.
“Excuse me! WTF is a crinoline head?” Good f#@&ing question, Janet! That’s exactly WTF I asked when I saw the first Crinoline Head movie, back in 1996. (Just kidding; it was last week, really). But, seriously! Crinoline Head Continue reading
This gallery contains 18 photos.
“The sun is coming up in eight minutes. If you live to see it, the world will end.” What do you get when you combine all of the monsters and horror clichés in history with five coeds out for a weekend … Continue reading
This gallery contains 7 photos.
I remember wanting many pets, as a child. I’ve always been quite the animal lover, and luckily my parents indulged me with most of what I wanted; I had fish, birds, salamanders, hermit crabs, and, of course, a dog. I … Continue reading
This gallery contains 10 photos.
Calling all Nexus 6 Replicants and sundry lifeforms across the universe! Humans, aliens, androids, and sentient beings everywhere are talking about this one. “Do androids dream electric sheep?” is the question we (like Philip K. Dick) seek to answer…all the … Continue reading
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How many times have you driven down the road, listening to your favorite song, and suddenly couldn’t find something you need. Worse yet, you realized it was lost? Too many times to count is the answer from most of us. … Continue reading