This gallery contains 5 photos.
Is the sound of peeling a tangerine like the sound of peeling flesh from a body? Does the fascia beneath release its dermal layer, as a fruity metaphor, resisting hopelessly, succumbing soon enough? Continue reading
This gallery contains 5 photos.
Is the sound of peeling a tangerine like the sound of peeling flesh from a body? Does the fascia beneath release its dermal layer, as a fruity metaphor, resisting hopelessly, succumbing soon enough? Continue reading
This gallery contains 7 photos.
One of the most important elements any horror film can have is atmosphere–a dominant mood, emotional tone, or environment that surrounds and envelops us as viewers, making us feel that we are a part of it all as we watch. … Continue reading
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Tony (written and directed by Gerard Johnson) is a movie exactly about what it is sometimes subtitled–a “London Serial Killer”–ironically, far from the banality implied. As the tagline says, “It’s always the quiet ones.” Yes! If ever there was a … Continue reading
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A blurr of lights focus to a cityscape, a black-gloved hand slides across a metal railing, and a wanted poster features a sketch and photo of a dark-haired beauty. Emerging from the night is the female of fatal pulchritude herself–a … Continue reading
This gallery contains 9 photos.
I have never been abused. Thank God and whoever else for that! However, I have often wondered how my life might be different had I been so unfortunate. I have wondered how horrors inflicted upon me by a monster (of … Continue reading
This gallery contains 13 photos.
I’ve always liked that quote from Dante Alighieri’s epic poem, The Divine Comedy. I’ve always wanted to use it as the prelude to a movie review. However, previously, I hadn’t found just the right movie deserving of it’s message. Finally, VooDoo is that movie. Continue reading
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I always love a good found-footage horror film. However, finding a good one is not so easy these days. Since the first mainstream example in the genre–The Blair Witch Project in 1999–such a film with anything original and different to … Continue reading
This gallery contains 10 photos.
Is depression horror? Absolutely, yes! It’s what Space Jockey Reviews calls real-world horror. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression. Twenty-five million Americans suffer from depression each year, and… Continue reading
This gallery contains 14 photos.
Rockets are rumbling and ready to launch at Space Jockey Reviews, with the latest news from Sweden! Sargad (Wounded)–the first feature horror film from from the beautiful, ultra-talented Sarah Giercksky (and Bloody Fierce Productions)–is coming to DVD in 2017, making … Continue reading
This gallery contains 10 photos.
Marvelous Mandy (directed by Chase Dudley, written by Brentt Slabchuck) is the story of a mentally-deranged woman named Mandy (Paula Marcenaro Solinger) who suffers from an inability to perceive and/or accept her life as it is. Rather than accept reality, … Continue reading
This gallery contains 4 photos.
Carnivorous Love, the new feature-length film from Timothy Tick stars, among others, Lien Mya Nguyen, our very own Space Jockey Mya! Anytime Mya stars in a new film, SJR rockets are ready to launch, rumbling on the pad! With a … Continue reading
This gallery contains 9 photos.
Fresh from her latest film, The Dream, Jennifer Linch is at it again, once more with things happening in the night. As producer, writer, director, lead actor, sound designer, graphic designer and coeditor, Linch now brings us Flowers of the Night–another sure-to-be-stunning feature film from her own company, Sunshine Pictures! Continue reading
This gallery contains 13 photos.
THE ORBS! What are they? Balls of floating, glowing lights, zipping in and out of sight, like an apparition, obvious but not to be seen! Where did they come from–the moon, outer space, or someplace farther away, perhaps the center … Continue reading
This gallery contains 13 photos.
Okay, space cadets! Here it is! The long-awaited interview with film and theater actress, model, and scream-queen favorite Kaylee Williams is finally off the launch pad! Easily looking the innocent victim as well as the heroine or femme fatale, Kaylee … Continue reading
This gallery contains 20 photos.
A phobia is bad enough, on its own, without other terrors to make it worse. Yes! Just a fear of going out of your house can be the worst of things to haunt you. However, imagine a situation where your home becomes… Continue reading
This gallery contains 8 photos.
“People with agoraphobia often have a hard time feeling safe in any public place. The fears can be so overwhelming that you may be essentially trapped in your own home.” ~ Couch Sessions: Dealing with Agoraphobia by Giggi H. Hopkins … Continue reading
This gallery contains 13 photos.
I attended the Fright Night Film Festival and Horror Convention in Louisville, Kentucky last Saturday and had a bloody good time, as usual. On this occasion, however, my list of favorite things done was topped with something extra special. I … Continue reading
This gallery contains 17 photos.
“Excuse me! WTF is a crinoline head?” Good f#@&ing question, Janet! That’s exactly WTF I asked when I saw the first Crinoline Head movie, back in 1996. (Just kidding; it was last week, really). But, seriously! Crinoline Head Continue reading
This gallery contains 2 photos.
“Forbidden Forest is a dark fantasy film by Jennifer Linch about love, heartbreak, revenge and magic–a tale of two hearts becoming one and then tragically tearing apart. Set in a fantasy world of princes and a forest like non-other, Jennifer … Continue reading
This gallery contains 16 photos.
Who is that beautiful jilted lover, bleeding tears of pain, hunting prey that broke a promise? Whose pound of flesh is captured in her gaze? From whom and what heart flows revenge so viscous? Yes! It’s none other than THE … Continue reading
This gallery contains 12 photos.
…5…4…3…2…1…0! A new trailer has been launched for Don Thacker’s sleeper festival-hit Motivational Growth (starring genre-legend Jeffrey Combs). What’s it all about? Ian Foliver (Adrian DiGiovanni), a depressed and reclusive man in his 30s, finds himself taking advice from a growth … Continue reading
This gallery contains 9 photos.
About a month ago, I was in the Củ Chi district of Ho Chi Minh City, crawling through tunnels built by the Viet Cong during the Vietnam War. Củ Chi is now a tourist area where anyone can experience… Continue reading