This gallery contains 9 photos.
I always hate to see a great actor in a bad movie–a movie so lame and hopeless that it offers no opportunity for the great actor to even make the bad movie any better. The Blood Lands is… Continue reading
This gallery contains 9 photos.
I always hate to see a great actor in a bad movie–a movie so lame and hopeless that it offers no opportunity for the great actor to even make the bad movie any better. The Blood Lands is… Continue reading
This gallery contains 7 photos.
Yet another revenge-horror film it is! “Oh no!” you say. “Please, not another!” But, wait. There’s a silver lining in this blood-soaked playbook of could-be cliches and overdone drudgery. This time it’s… Continue reading
This gallery contains 7 photos.
If I’m lucky, after watching a movie for free, I am relieved of more than spending my own money on it; If lucky, I’m also spared the act of wasting time and witnessing other people waste theirs as well–wasting it to make … Continue reading
This gallery contains 4 photos.
I’ve often thought that revenge provides the best motives for the best horror movies. Revenge can turn ordinary people into monsters, at least for the time needed to cut, hack, slash and torture their way to happiness… Continue reading
This gallery contains 33 photos.
In my years watching horror films, I’ve accumulated a book’s worth of advice for surviving one. Yes! Life in a horror movie is a close call at death every minute. Arteries are cut, necks are broken, bodies are eviscerated… Continue reading
This gallery contains 13 photos.
I attended the Fright Night Film Festival and Horror Convention in Louisville, Kentucky last Saturday and had a bloody good time, as usual. On this occasion, however, my list of favorite things done was topped with something extra special. I … Continue reading
This gallery contains 18 photos.
“The sun is coming up in eight minutes. If you live to see it, the world will end.” What do you get when you combine all of the monsters and horror clichés in history with five coeds out for a weekend … Continue reading
This gallery contains 9 photos.
Join Space Jockey Reviews Editor in Chief Chris Rennirt as he interviews model and actress Rachel Faulkner (cohost of Hillbilly Horror Show, and featured in TV commercials, magazines, movies, and more)! As “smo-kin” cousin Lulu, Rachel is a hillbilly honey … Continue reading
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Scarce, Yes! But the Blood Is Bountiful! Scarce is the story of three guys, traveling across country, who get lost and wind up in hillbilly hell. You might already be saying, “Okay, I’ve seen this before.” But wait! This one … Continue reading