
This gallery contains 8 photos.

Sometimes, I want a movie with fast, frenetic action, in a strange, unfamiliar world, with danger at every turn, and huge friggin’ monsters.  Sometimes, that’s absolutely all I want–gigantic, fire-breathing beasts that shake the ground with every step, and roar like… Continue reading

Spooky Astronauts: An Out-of-This-World Interview with Emma


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With nebulous, ever-expanding happiness, Space Jockey Reviews presents an exclusive interview with the amazing, and always out-of-this world, Emma from Spooky Astronauts.  Yes!  With a fellow astronaut, and lover of fine cinema, there can be no better company.  At nearly … Continue reading



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Yet another revenge-horror film it is!  “Oh no!” you say.  “Please, not another!”  But, wait.  There’s a silver lining in this blood-soaked playbook of could-be cliches and overdone drudgery.  This time it’s… Continue reading

THE HUNT: “Fair and Balanced” Political Satire for the Times


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It is almost amazing that a movie about warring conservatives and liberals would be made during such volatile political times.  Perhaps now, as things are worse than ever, such a movie wouldn’t be made; perhaps a bit earlier was just… Continue reading



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Within the walls of the mind are hopefully buried the worst of our experiences, our guilt, and our fears.  Hopefully, they will remain forever hidden… Continue reading



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Some of the best horror films are those in which the monsters are the people around us, our friends and family, and anyone but the obvious, overt physical monsters we expect.  These monsters look just like our friends, relatives… Continue reading



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There’s nothing like a good B-grade sci-fi/horror flick from the 80s!  Yes!  From bygone times comes the best in practical monster effects, no-holds-barred guts and gore, and a charm to it all that never gets old… Continue reading

SARGAD (Wounded)


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I’ve often thought that revenge provides the best motives for the best horror movies.  Revenge can turn ordinary people into monsters, at least for the time needed to cut, hack, slash and torture their way to happiness… Continue reading

The Nightmare (Der Nachtmahr) 2015 – Film Review & ‘My Inner Demons’ by Kelsey Zukowski


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I’m an avid believer in the endless possibilities that the horror genre is capable of, that it’s a far larger, more diverse genre than many give it credit for.  While I do appreciate how the genre can show the ugly, uncomfortable, and immense darkness present in our world… Continue reading

KUNG FU GHOST: A Martial Arts Comedy/Mystery from Jennifer Linch


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The amazing Jennifer Linch–the award-winning martial-arts maven and master of genre mixing–is at it again, with a much anticipated supernatural comedy/mystery/action combo…and yes, another butt-kicking entry in the genre she does better than anyone else… Continue reading

Make a Wish


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If you could have your choice of any birthday gift, what would it be?  A diamond ring, a pearl necklace, tickets to your favorite vacation spot, a car, or any of the other usual, popular choices?  Or, being honest, would it be something totally different!  Could it, perhaps, be… Continue reading

Memoirs of a Monster Kid: The 1979 Kenner Alien


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I remember, as if it was yesterday, that November evening back in 1979, months after seeing the movie ALIEN on the big screen.  I was at Consolidated Sales Company–the long-since out-of-business retail chain, on Dixie Highway, in Louisville, Kentucky.  The 14 year-old monster kid I was (and still am) was checking the toy aisle for anything new and… Continue reading

MUJŌ – Chapter A: Da Introduction


This gallery contains 15 photos.

Review by Chris Rennirt In June of 2019, I wrote about a sci-fi series in the works called MUJŌ (written, directed, and executive-produced by Steve Squall).  At that time, with only a short teaser trailer, I knew it was something … Continue reading

LANA: Folk Horror at Its Finest


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I absolutely love a good horror film based on centuries-old folklore and superstition!  When done right, the richness of myth and legends become tangible realities–gritty, more than merely imagined.  When done well, they bring to life the passion of ancestors before us… Continue reading



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Years ago, at a local Half Price bookstore, while looking through a vat of $2.00 DVDs (the ones they really want to get rid of), I happened upon a movie called Shadow Puppets.  From the title alone, I thought it… Continue reading

SJR Star Showcase: The Amazing TANITA TIKARAM


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As I think of all of the music I’ve listened to and forgotten over the years, I think of one singer/songwriter whose music I still listen to today.  TANITA TIKARAM.  That’s the name of the amazingly talented artist whose exotic … Continue reading

An Interview with John Paul Ouvrier


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John Paul Ouvrier is at it again, with a galactic cornucopia of creative awsomeness!  Described as a “renaissance kind of guy in showbiz” with “nearly 50 film and TV projects in a few short years,” John is definitely the man … Continue reading

Hidden Orchard Mysteries: The Case of the Air B&B Robbery – Virtual Premiere June 12


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At Space Jockey Reviews, we love a good mystery!  Even more loved is a mystery starring not one, but two out-of-this world actresses.  Hidden Orchard Mysteries: The Case of the Air B&B Robbery is the latest feature film starring SJR … Continue reading

Behind the Masks: An Interview with Vicky Clerici


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Space Jockey Reviews Editor in Chief Chris Rennirt had the truly out-of-this-world opportunity to interview special effects artist and mask maker Vicky Clerici.  Vicky’s collection of latex monsters and slasher celebs are enough to wet the appetites of gorehounds and … Continue reading