“People with agoraphobia often have a hard time feeling safe in any public place. The fears can be so overwhelming that you may be essentially trapped in your own home.” ~ Couch Sessions: Dealing with Agoraphobia by Giggi H. Hopkins

Laurie Ann Cullom (Shannon Scott) looks for cures in a book, when the answers are likely within herself.
Lock your doors, and take your prozac! If you fear the outside world…or even if you don’t, beware! The latest film from writer/director Mark Dossett is “set in 1988, way before cell phones and the internet were common household items. Laurie Ann Cullom who suffers from agoraphobia, after being brutally attacked the year before, is now housebound. Her fear of the outside world is nothing compared to what she finds inside of her own home.” Yes! With The Torment of Laurie Ann Cullom, your worst fears are on the launch pad at Space Jockey Reviews!

Yes! When the movie’s main character searches the house, just out of the shower, we know that danger (and torment) is near! Oh, but what will it be?
Just what does Laurie Ann Cullom (actress Shannon Scott) find “inside her own home” that is worse than anything outside? Could it have something to do with he or she who holds the knife scratching across (and taking chunks out of) her furniture? Could it be the one who attacked her before, coming back for more? Will the phobic Laurie become her own shrink under pressure and save herself alone? Will she overcome the odds against her and, without medication, kick the killer’s ass? Whatever the answers may be, this one is enough to make even non-agoraphobic cinemaphiles fear not leaving the couch, but staying on the the couch!
One thing we know for sure at SJR is that Shannon Scott looks right for the role of Laurie, with enough convincing phobia and fear to scare us easily too. With a performance already outstanding in the trailer alone, we at Space Jockey Reviews look forward to the future, more than ready to see the movie! “Lock your doors,” and let the screaming begin!
The Torment of Laurie Ann Cullom, from Rock Bottom Pictures, stars Jason Abbott, Jacob Bradley, Mark Dossett, Dave Schomp, Vicky Schomp, and Shannon Scott as Laurie Ann Cullom. Stay tuned to Space Jockey Reviews for the latest movie news and agoraphobic release dates! If Laurie Ann Cullom survives the torment, maybe an SJR interview is even in the queue! Who knows? 😀
Check out The Torment of Laurie Ann Cullom on IMDb!
Visit the movie’s official website at www.tormentoflaurie.com!
Follow the movie’s official Twitter page @rockbottompics!
Follow Shannon Scott (Laurie Ann Cullom) on Twitter @Simplyshannon_!
Visit Shannon Scott’s official website at simplyshannonscott.com/#1

Yes! Remember the good ole 8Os…back when we used to call the police for emergencies with land-line phones?

Just who is the intruder taking chunks out of Laurie Ann Cullom’s furniture? Will he cut more than wood before the torment ends?
And now, check out the latest trailer!