Listed below are questions frequently asked about Space Jockey Reviews.  The questions are, of course, followed by the answers.  Please take the time to look over this information, as there is more to know than you may think.  Reading this will help you have the most productive experiences while visiting.  If you have a question that is not answered below, please post it in the comment box following the questions.  I will answer your question personally and/or post an answer to it here in this section.  FAQ comments are checked regularly.  Thanks for stopping in, and enjoy your visit!

Do the reviews on Space Jockey Reviews contain spoilers?  Please remember that any review (including those on Space Jockey Reviews) may contain what some consider spoilers. Although I do my best to avoid them, analysis and critique of a film require discussion of what are, sometimes, revealing details.  If you do not like movie photos, event descriptions, and/or analyses of content in movies you haven’t seen, please use discretion in reading any review on this website. If, at any point, you feel that you are reading, seeing, and/or generally learning too much about a movie, please stop rather than continue. This is only a suggestion designed to keep you happy and well-motivated to return.

Who writes the reviews, feature articles, and other content on Space Jockey Reviews?  Aside from member comments and some guest/contributing reviews, Chris Rennirt writes all content on Space Jockey Reviews.   Any exceptions would be noted, wherever appropriate.  For more information about Chris Rennirt, take a look at his profile by clicking here.

How do I become a member of Space Jockey Reviews?  To become a member, you only need to provide your name (or a screen name), along with a valid email address, before posting the first time.  Afterwards, when using the same computer, you should not need to sign in or provide email information again.  ATTENTION: If you do not provide an email address, as required, with your registration and initial comment, you will receive an error message; also, the comment you wrote will likely be gone, when you go back to try again.  This is a function of the website that I cannot control, so please be advised.  To avoid problems, please fill out the information requested in each “required field,” also denoted by an asterisk.

Is it okay to comment on movie reviews and other content on Space Jockey Reviews?  Of course.  Thoughtful comments, questions, and reactions are always welcome.  Feel free to participate.  However, any rude, insulting, and/or hateful comments will not be published and will be deleted.

Who can post comments on Space Jockey Reviews?  Anyone at least 18 years of age can post comments.

I posted a comment, and it didn’t show up afterward!  Where did it go?  All member comments go to a moderation queue, before appearing on the website. This is only to insure that comments conform to the reasonable expectations explained here, on the FAQ page. It’s just a case of the words of a few affecting the many. In the end, we’ll all have fun!

I attempted to post a comment, and I got an error message. When I tried to go back to the previous page, my comment was gone!  What happened?  Every time I have so far seen this happen, it was the result of someone not filling in all of the “required fields” when posting their first comment, just after attempting to register as a member.  Unfortunately, this is a function of the website over which I have no control.  However, as I have seen in my own experience, this is not uncommon; I have seen it happen on the most advanced to most simplistic of websites.  My advice is to fill out all required fields, before attempting to post a comment.  Otherwise, you may want to right click and copy a long comment, before attempting to post it in any way that could cause a problem.  In that case, pasting it back is just another right click away.

When registering, I was asked to submit my email address.  Will my email address be made public on Space Jockey Reviews?  No.  This is only for registration purposes to verify that you are a human, rather than a robot, and that you do have a base of operations somewhere in the universe.  The only information that becomes public is the screen name you choose and the comments you post.  Your email address will appear nowhere publicly on Space Jockey Reviews.

Why am I asked for a website address, when registering?  If, upon registration, you include a website address in the appropriate field, your website will become a link embedded in your screen name.  This is an option and not a requirement.

Is it okay to post off-topic comments?  In order to keep things as organized as possible, please make sure that all comments and replies relate to the overall topic, be it a movie or otherwise.  If you have comments or questions that relate to no existing topics, please post those in the Asteroid Belt.  That is basically a galactic parking lot for whatever sundry thoughts, questions, comments, and ideas you may otherwise want to discuss. Off-topic comments not related to a post may be deleted.

Is it okay to post full movie reviews and/or articles as a comment on Space Jockey Reviews?  No.  Full movie reviews are published as posts by Chris Rennirt only. Occasional guest reviews and articles are published at the discretion of Space Jockey Reviews Editor in Chief Chris Rennirt.

Will rude, impolite comments and/or arguments of a hostile nature be tolerated at Space Jockey Reviews?  No.  Space Jockey reviews is a place of intergalactic peace and harmony.  Humans and aliens alike are encouraged to respect one another and welcome the forces that bring us together.  Comments of a rude, impolite, or hostile nature will never make it out of the moderation queue, and will be deleted.  However, comments offering respectful disagreement (and those that prompt reasonable, intelligent debate) are always welcome.  In other words, we do not censor comments, just because you disagree and/or present different opinions.

Do you use a rating system with your movie reviews?  I use the Space Jockey Rocket Meter.  With this system, movies receive a “Rocket Rating” of 1 to 10 (including half-rocket increments, when necessary).  For more information about the Rocket Meter and ratings, click here.

I tried to watch a video, trailer, or movie on Space Jockey Reviews, and it wouldn’t play.  What’s wrong?  Occasionally, videos are no longer playable from the source, for reasons beyond my control.  I always correct such problems, whenever possible, as soon as I’m aware of them (such as via relinking to an alternate source).  However, it is impossible for me to regularly monitor and always correct such issues.

I encountered a broken link on Space Jockey Reviews.  It’s annoying.  Is there anything I can do about it?  I know that broken links are always disturbing, but please be patient.  I use a program designed to detect broken links, but even it is not 100% effective.  In most cases, a link that no longer works is automatically identified with a strikethrough.  Since there are so many links on Space Jockey Reviews, it is difficult to monitor and address them all.

Is the content on www.chrisrennirt.com the same as the content on www.spacejockeyreviews.com?  No.  Along with obvious design differences, www.spacejockeyreviews.com is the official, regularly updated website.  The website chrisrennirt.com is no longer updated or used by Space Jockey Reviews.

Is it okay to copy reviews, articles, and/or commentary on Space Jockey Reviews and use them elsewhere, without permission from Chris Rennirt?  All movie reviews, articles, and commentary on this website are the property of Chris Rennirt. This property may not be copied, posted, or printed elsewhere, without written permission from Chris Rennirt.  Copyright © 2011-2021, Space Jockey Reviews, Inc. All rights reserved.  Quotes from movie reviews, articles, etc. may be used, if they are credited to the author, Chris Rennirt.  For permission otherwise, Chris Rennirt can be contacted at chrisrennirt@spacejockeyreviews.com.

Is it okay to quote content from reviews, articles, and published content elsewhere? Of course! Space Jockey Reviews welcomes the quoted use of its reviews, articles, and published content to promote www.spacejockeyreviews.com and/or the movies, people, and subject matter they address.  However, please give full credit to Space Jockey Reviews and the author–Editor in Chief Chris Rennirt or the appropriate contributing or guest author.  A link back to www.spacejockeyreviews is also greatly appreciated. We also appreciate being notified where quoted content is used, so we can keep up with such important publicity.  Notifying us will likely help you as well, since we often promote the places where our content is published.  Space Jockey Reviews Editor in Chief Chris Rennirt may be contacted directly at chrisrennirt@spacejockeyreviews.com.

Do you use a spam filtering service on Space Jockey Reviews?  Yes. Space Jockey Reviews is monitored by Akismet.   Akismet is on constant guard against spam. The badge for this service is posted on the home page, listing a total count of spam comments captured.  Visit Space Jockey Reviews regularly, and comment with confidence!

Is it okay to use the name of a company or business as my screen name?  Please don’t.  If you use a company or business name, you’re comments are most unlikely to make it through the spam filter; it typically identifies such screen names as spam and zaps them on the spot.

Is it okay to post links to other websites in my comments and replies?  Any links posted in a comment or reply will almost surely be marked as spam by Akismet.  This will cause the entire comment or reply to be rejected.  If you know of a link that would be of interest to Chris Rennirt and/or the Space Jockey community in general, please send it first to chrisrennirt@spacejockeyreviews.com for consideration.  However, if, upon registration, you include a website address in the appropriate field, your website will become a link embedded in your screen name.  Provided that your embedded website is related to the Space Jockey Reviews community, it may be acceptable (subject to approval in the moderation queue).

Is it okay to copy photos of Space Jockey Arisu, Alia, and Selena and use them elsewhere?  No.  All Space Jockey mascot photos are licensed to Chris Rennirt, to be used for this website and other purposes related to Space Jockey Reviews.  Mascot photos may not be copied, posted, or reproduced in any way.

Does Space Jockey Reviews work better on any particular web browser?  In our opinion, Google Chrome works better, in general, for all web browsing purposes.  Of course, Space Jockey Reviews will work with any browser, but Google Chrome is our tested preference.  In isolated cases where issues have occurred, browsers other than Google Chrome (particularly Internet Explorer) were being used.  These issues were confined mostly to incomplete display of content graphics.  In all cases, issues were visually annoying rather than functional.

Is Space Jockey Arisu a real person? Of course.  Check out her profile: Space Jockey Arisu

Is Space Jockey Arisu the only Space Jockey?  No.  Space Jockey Selena, Alia (a.k.a. Princess Aurella), Mya, Kayla, and Lucy are also members of our cosmic crew.  Selena is the covert operative of cosmic cinema; her identity must be concealed for her own protection, and Aurella is the princess turned adventure seeker, living her alter ego as Space Jockey Alia.  All, including Mya, Kayla, and Lucy, can be found on the Space Jockey profile page by clicking here.  Links to individual Space Jockeys are found in the drop-down menu, located under the “Space Jockey” tab, at the top of the website.

Can I submit a movie to Space Jockey Reviews for review?  Yes.  For more information about submitting your movie for review, click here.

If you have a question that is not answered above, please send it to chrisrennirt@spacejockeyreviews.com. Space Jockey Reviews email is checked regularly.

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