Calling all Space Jockey lovers of imagination and art at its finest! Steve-O Shephard (aka Dr. Awesome – THE M.D. of body art and otherworldly creations – is in! With tools of the trade in hand and a portfolio to impress, the proof is in the pictures as much as the pudding! Whether this doctor takes insurance or not, he’s well worth the office visit! Showcasing Steve-O and his truly “awesome,” out-of-this-world work is the least we could do at SJR!
Yes! I recently had the honor of meeting Dr. Awesome at the 2014 Fright Night Film Festival in Louisville, Kentucky. Walking by his booth, with my usual ADHD (distracted by horror goodies at every turn), I was captivated by a portfolio of photos, special effects and body art to challenge the best in the galaxy! Everything from earthly zombies to cyborgs from beyond, topped off with forces of nature personified were part of the mix. (In Steve-O’s world, winter is no “old man,” and a rag doll was never so “smokin’,” literally.) With a resume of original work, Dr. Awesome’s creations are truly the stuff of dreams and nightmares! As he says, they are “works of art on human canvases.” And yes, the doctor really does wear a lab coat, bloody, just as you’d expect! 😀
After seeing the doctor, I am also happy to report great news! Makeup and airbrush/body-paint artist Steve-O’s talents are now a movie maker’s wish come true. Yes! Your next movie can have Dr. Awesome as THE on-set surgeon of horror, sci-fi and fantasy effects combined! Imagine that! You imagine it, and Steve-O creates it; or, if at a loss for ideas, Steve-O is sure to have more than enough of his own!
If that’s not enough, it gets better! Dr. Awesome is now accepting new patients at his Louisville-based office, and his services are available to anyone making an appointment! With one phone call, email or Facebook message, “you become the art.” You can be the next Dr. Awesome creation, morphed beyond your wildest dreams and nightmares, into something to impress the dead as well as the living! Think of all the fun a Steve-O zombie, alien or sundry mutant can be at your next party – Halloween, birthday, or otherwise! Even an ordinary day can be extraordinary with a photo shoot added for memories, such as Steve-O’s sampling below.
Without further fanfare, the doctor’s photos speak for themselves, with more awesomeness than mere words can express. (And I am rarely at a loss for words!) Click on the photos to enlarge and, by all means, enjoy! 😀
For all the latest, “Like” Bodies of Art by Steve-O on Facebook!
Contact Steve-O Shephard via email at!
Photos of models by Steve-O Shephard! Yes, he’s a photographer too! 😀
Yes! Steve-O gets 10 rockets at Space Jockey Reviews, easily! 😀

Rocket Rating – 10