Space Jockey Reviews is happy to be in blast-zone central with Deadfall: Ground Zero–the latest film from Remy St. Paul. From the looks of the behind-the-scenes photos below, Zombie Apocalyspe Response Team members will have their hands more than full fighting the hordes! Yes, even the best zombie outbreak shelters will offer little relief from this latest assault!
What’s better? (For the zombie-loving fiends among us, that is!) Lots for sure! Our very own Space Jockey Mya (aka Lien Mya Nguyen) stars in Deadfall as the ever-agile kicker of undead ass, Kegan. But, in this apocalypse, Mya is just the beginning of the bonus! Deadfall also stars Remy St. Paul, Darek Sanchez, Chance Gibbs, Ashliee Reeves, Lorraine Eubank, David Holder, Christina Baker, Kevin A. Green, Gerrilee Danielle, and many more! (For a complete list of the cast and crew, check the movie’s IMDb page.)
What’s it all about? At this point it’s all top secret, protected better than the best government coverup! But fear not, zombie-hunting fiends! Our Space Jockey operatives found photos to make any gorehound salivate, even on a full stomach! Examine them well, and listen for the thousand words each one speaks. In the meantime, take shelter and hold firmly your weapon of choice! The apocalypse is on its way…and you’re at ground zero! Stay tuned to Space Jockey Reviews for all the latest!
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Kegan (Lien Mya Nguyen) and Evan (Darek A. Sanchez) rethink their strategy in Deadfall: Ground Zero.

Lien Mya Nguyen (as Regan) making child’s play of kicking ass! Yes, even the undead are no match for Mya; they shall die again!

Writer, producer, and director Remy St. Paul (center) on the set with Lien Mya Nguyen (left) and Darek A. Sanchez (right)

Even heroine Lien Mya Nguyen is not immune to zombie fever! But, at least zombies can be put to good use on the set!
Stay tuned to Space Jockey Reviews for all the latest about Deadfall: Ground Zero!