On Saturday, July 6, I attended Days of the Dead with John Horrordude Ginder and Kennie Combs Jr. (aka Doc Hollyweird). Wow! What an awesome time I had! The mix of great friends with a great time was perfect! Over the course of a 12-hour day (driving time included), a long day of fun flew by, proverbially, just as all out-of-this-world things do. In the end, I was dead (tired, that is), but well animated anyway, just like any zombie should be.
Where again did all of this fantastic fun occur, measuring Space Jockey rockets off the meter? The Days of the Dead in Indianapolis, Indiana, of course! Yes, it was a full day of zombified events, for sure! Included were film screenings, celebrities galore, vendors, and more, with gratuitous amounts of gore for the most hungry of horror hounds among us! Make no mistake about attending any Days of the Dead convention within a distance you can reach by plane, train, automobile, teleportation, transmigration of the soul, or (if you’re lucky), even by foot as the walking dead. Yes, it’s really that good, and well worth your time on Earth and elsewhere. Also impressive was the very reasonable price of admission, giving you plenty of bang for your buck!
What’s better about the day was the interview John Horrordude Ginder and I had with none other than Adolfo G. Dorta–one of the most efficient and dedicated event organizers we’ve had the pleasure of interviewing…ever! Just listen to Adolfo, and see (or rather hear) for yourself, why we say so. If it wasn’t for people like him working that behind-the-scenes magic to to get things to the forefront, the rest of us would never be so lucky. Yes, with Adolfo’s help, the dead were truly turning over in their graves and walking the Earth again for this one! So, to Adolfo, and all the other fan-serving people dedicated to the job at Days of the Dead, a 10-rocket salute is hereby launched at Space Jockey Reviews! Thanks to them all, the experience has made me a convention goer and Days of the Dead attendee for years to come! Enjoy the interview above..and the photos below! ๐
Below are just a few of the fantastic reasons that John, Kennie, and I had such ferocious fun at Days of the Dead! The pictures, as they say, speak (or rather scream) as loudly as ever. Enjoy! ๐

Chris Rennirt and John Horrordude Ginder stopping for a bite to eat at Days of the Dead (Photo by Kennie Combs Jr.)
ย In the meantime, burn off all your undead energy waiting for the next Days of the Dead convention in Chicago, Illinois, November 16, 17, and 18. For the latest info, check out the official website by clicking on the banner below, and of course, don’t miss the show!
For loads of interviews, articles, reviews and more, also visit John Horrordude Ginder’s A Horror-fying Blog atย http://valor23.blogspot.com. And, for all the latest horror, sci-fi, and fantasy events, visit the “EVENTS” page right here at Space Jockey Reviews. New conventions, film festivals, and more are added regularly! ๐