To get the next Billy Inaction cast interview, Space Jockey Reviews interrogated the Russian spy and assassin herself, Miss Kitka–or rather, the real, anything-but-assassin-minded Theresa Plappert. In Billy Inaction, Theresa is a butt-kicking femme fatale, aiming for an undercover job awesomely done, always, with yeah, you guessed it…lots of butt kicking. In real life, Theresa is just as awesome as herself…and this interview gives us all the proof we need to believe it. Enjoy!
How did you get into acting?
It started about 2007. Jimmy and I were coworkers at the time, and within a month of us formally meeting at work he called me to see if I wanted to play a part in a movie he was working on. The rest is history.
Who are some of your influences or role models?
Sort of a hodgepodge of people. Al Gore, Bill Nye, Charles Darwin, Rosalind Franklin, Paul Reubens, Kate Winslett, Penn Jillette, Christina Hendricks, Vivien Leigh, Yulia Makhalina, Marianela Nunez, Natalie Portman, David Bowie, Greta Garbo, Maggie Smith. Am I missing anyone?
What was your experience like on Billy Inaction?
Crazy. Difficult at times. And long. We started this over three years ago, and I feel like every day we filmed was memorable. I couldn’t ask for a better group of people to work with, and I’m glad I can call them all my friends. I really could go on forever about it, but I won’t.
A fun fact: I was originally supposed to play the other half of the Siamese twins with Ashley Brightwell.
When we did the first script reading I read for Miss Kitka, because I was the only girl there in the group that night. When it was over, I was like… thank God I don’t have that part. It was way more explicit than the finished product, and the character went through a lot of things I just wasn’t comfortable doing. Jimmy rewrote a lot of the script and asked me if I wanted to play the part, and the rest was history. I mainly think he asked me because I already had a costume and everyone thinks I look Russian. Who knows?
At times this movie was very taxing on mine and Jimmy’s relationship. First, let me say that it’s an extremely rewarding experience to see the one you love doing what they have a passion for. And truth be told, I really enjoyed most of the time I spent working on this movie, but it took its toll. From shoots that lasted till four in the morning in a hot room, to filming scenes in the middle of winter when I had the flu, to putting on that costume time after time (which is extremely uncomfortable and hot), to jumping out of trucks and running around in high heels all day, to hours of shooting with a naked Billy Duckett, and smoking about a half a pack of cigarettes one after the other just to keep continuity. I got pretty cranky as time went on, and we still weren’t close to being finished. I don’t want to say I lost hope in the project, but it was just hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’m also pretty bad at improvisation, which is sometimes all Jimmy gives you to do. No lines, no clear direction, that’s it. Just do what you want. That was pretty difficult for me to do.
Even though there were a lot of bad times, it wouldn’t be the same movie without it. It was something we all could grow on. I think that’s what makes this more rewarding and special,because we all worked so hard on this and sacrificed a lot of time and energy. Literally: blood sweat and tears. A lot of tears.
In Billy Inaction, you play Miss Kitka. Tell us about the character.
Kitka is originally from Russia, but travels the world as a paid assassin. She’s cold, unfeeling, and doesn’t seem to care for anything or anybody. She takes care of herself and is usually on her own. As the poster description says, she’s beautiful and dangerous, but people still underestimate her and don’t know what she’s capable of. Through all of this, she still has a soft spot for one person in particular. Who? You’ll have to watch and find out. But still, she kicks a lot of butt. She’s pretty badass.
Are you like your character Miss Kitka in any way?
Not a lot really. I don’t know anyone who would seriously describe me as cold and unfeeling. I love almost everything and am pretty happy all the time. Also, I’m studying to be a nurse, which wouldn’t go over very well if I didn’t care about people and want to help them. That’s really who I am. I wouldn’t say I’m all that dangerous either. Fighting is unusual for me. We do have one thing in common though – we look awfully alike.
You also play a villain of some sort in Gunther Toody’s Happy Time Fun Show. Tell us about the show and your character.
I played the villain, whose name was Sexy Poo. The name was an homage to the character Witchiepoo, who was the villain in the old Sid and Marty Krofft show H.R. Pufnstuf. That’s kind of what the inspiration for this movie was: Old 70s, creepy kids shows. Except more perverted. And with boobs. Sexy Poo was the villain in a land called Plushylvania, whose population is made up entirely of puppets. When the first human girl, Joy, lands in Plushylvania it sends the puppets into a sort of sexual frenzy, which really pisses Sexy Poo off because she wants to be the most beautiful woman in all of Plushylvania. She then tries to get rid of Joy by sending her back to the real world, which in turn backfires because the already randy puppets take out their frustrations on her, and she ends up getting pregnant. But all done comedically.
What are your greatest challenges as an actor?
To be taken seriously. I don’t want people to think that just because I’m dating the director that I get all the good parts. It’s not like that at all. Also doing accents. After this movie, I’m never doing another accent. It’s tough if it’s not something you’re used to.
From looking at some of your photos, it appears that you’ve done some professional modeling. Tell us about that.
Well, I didn’t get paid for it, but I still loved it. I have a friend, Lana Wilson, who I helped out while she was in photography school at UofL. She used me for some of her more fun projects. It’s easier than acting, but the two are pretty similar. She lives in New York now working as a professional photographer, but if you’re ever in that area I highly recommend her.
What else is on your resume?
I played the villain Sexy Poo in Jimmy’s first feature Gunther Toody’s Happy Time Fun Show. I did a one episode public access show called Up Late Nighty Nite YouTube TV, which I think was Jimmy’s homage to MST3K, except we reviewed bad YouTube clips instead of bad movies. I was the Joel/Mike character. After that, I played myself in the internet series The Shawn & Josh Show, in which I played the used and abused younger sister of Shawn and Josh. I also have some short non-speaking appearances in The Superhero, the ieatpoop 10th anniversary special, and The Last Summer.
What are you currently working on, and what are your long-term goals?
I’m sad to say that this is the last film for me for a while. I’m working on my BSN, which allows me little to no time for any acting. I might do a cameo or some small part in any upcoming projects… maybe. It’s just hard to see that far ahead right now.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Just that I’m excited for the premiere and can’t wait for everyone to see this little movie we’ve worked so hard on these past few years. Hope you love it!
In the process of looking for a few great photos of Theresa, I instead found a lot! Unable to narrow them down to just “a few”, I decided to add the more than a few below in a section I call “The More Than a Few Great Photos of Theresa Plappert I Found and Couldn’t Narrow Down”. Or, you could just call it, “The Many Beautiful Faces of Theresa Plappert”. Take your pick! Either works fine; but, above all, enjoy! 😀

Could we not include a picture of Theresa as a zombie? Absolutely not! (from left to right is Matt Goodlett, unknown beautiful woman, Theresa Plappert, and Jimmy Humphrey)

Last, but certainly not least, here’s lookin’ at ya…with a set of eyes to stop a fully-fueled rocket at light speed! (By the way, this photo has already become famous in the Milky Way and five other nearby galaxies!)
If there was any chance I wouldn’t again show the Miss Kitka teaser trailer starring Theresa, it evaporated after this awesome interview with so many super-stunning photos. Some things are just in the stars to happen again and again. Theresa is clearly one of them! Enjoy!
And yes, here’s the Billy Inaction trailer again. So, enjoy it again too!

And yes, we’ve been caught again, hearing Miss Kitka say one more time, “Boys…you never shoulda been doin’ this!”
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