Calling all Nexus 6 Replicants and sundry lifeforms across the universe! Humans, aliens, androids, and sentient beings everywhere are talking about this one. “Do androids dream electric sheep?” is the question we (like Philip K. Dick) seek to answer…all the more happily again! Yes! Blade Runner meets Sin City soon in Apocalypse Kiss.
What’s it all about? In this futuristic science-fiction thriller, Adrian–a serial killer with O.C.D.–fights for his page in the headlines as the real Red Harvest Killer. (You can imagine what an already demented man will do to keep his reputation dirty!) Who’s stealing the show? None other than two nomadic lesbians (Katia and Gladys) happily take credit for the crimes. Meanwhile, trench-coated security agent Jerry Hipple tracks the killer, with his film-noir fedora tilted just right. What’s better is that all this and more takes place as the world as they know it comes to an end! How’s that for a twist on a blade-running return to times gone by…but still in our future? Oh how temporal tales are always tempting; and Apocalypse Kiss is no exception! End of the world or not, Space Jockey Reviews can’t wait to travel to the future for this one!
Apocalypse Kiss, featuring a who’s who of the horror and science-fiction world
including Tom Atkins (My Bloody Valentine 3D, Halloween III), Michael
Berryman (The Hills Have Eyes) and D.C Douglas (CHUD), meshes a unique and
stylish film-noir template – parallel to Robert Rodriguez’s Sin City and the
upcoming Sin City : A Dame to Kill For – with explosive, thrilling action! The film also stars Tom Detrik, Carmela Hayslett, Bonnie Loev, Steve Blum, Brian Anthony Wilson, Carl Stevens, Chris McMullin, Lisa Panzer, Leo Wylder, Aimee Cassada, former Playboy model Tammy Jean, and Troma executive Lloyd Kaufman as the president. But that’s not all, believe it or not! For a complete list of the cast and crew, visit the movie’s IMDb page!
Apocalypse Kiss, written and directed by Christian Grillo (Deer Crossing),
will be available to rent, buy or stream online beginning April
8, 2014. So, wet your lips for the experience April 8. In the meantime, pucker up and check out the trailer and screenshots below! This prelude to a kiss has never been more the reason to launch rockets at Space Jockey Reviews! For more information, visit and

D.C. Douglas (as the narcissistic serial killer Adrian), sporting a classic android profile in Apocalypse Kiss!

Yes! Even in the future, with an apocalypse eminent, men never change! Former playmate Tammy Jean makes it all the easier for them to stay the same!

Yes! That’s Troma executive Lloyd Kaufman, heading up a most important executive office in the future!