Re-Animator Published April 26, 2014 at 640 × 349 in Re-Animator: The Anatomy of a Classic “I must say, Dr. Hill, I’m very disappointed in you. You steal the secret of life and death, and here you are trysting with a bubble-headed co-ed. You’re not even a second-rate scientist.” You may also like these! Undying Love for You with John Horrordude Ginder Riley's Vlog: Thoughts on Aliens, Mars, and Curiosity Sarah Nicklin Fights Ninjas! A GOOD MAN - A New Screenplay by Vanessa Morgan in Pre-Production You Are So Beautiful: Sir John Paul's Love Song for the Ages Space Jockey Reviews Star Showcase: AUGIE DUKE Space Jockey Reviews Zombie Gallery Memoirs of a Monster Kid: The 1979 Kenner Alien Motivational Growth: "The Mold Knows" RAY BRADBURY: A Lifetime of Wonder and Imagination