Article by Chris Rennirt
The amazing Jennifer Linch–the award-winning martial-arts maven and master of genre mixing–is at it again, with a much anticipated supernatural comedy/mystery/action combo…and yes, another butt-kicking entry in the genre she does better than anyone else. KUNG FU GHOST (directed by Jennifer Linch, written by Ivan White) is currently in post-production and, at Space Jockey Reviews, the countdown has begun! T minus 10…9…8…

Is Daisy (Jennifer Linch) as harmless as she seems? Jennifer Linch + Kung Fu = probably not!
What’s it all about? Daisy (Jennifer Linch) inherits a haunted estate from her grandfather (David S. Dawson)–a martial-arts master and spirit who protects his granddaughter by possessing her when she needs it most. But, is “Grandpa” the only ghost in this haunted tale of hallowed inheritance? Of course not. Leave it to Linch to double the supernatural fun, adding an unsuspecting band of treasure-hunting Ninjas to top it off. The battles and antics that ensue make Kung Fu Ghost as much of a comedy as it is a kick-ass action film.

Grandpa (David S. Dawson)–Daisy’s spirit of butt-kicking confidence, in Kung Fu Ghost.
More than a master of martial arts, Linch is an equal master of comedy, and Kung Fu Ghost offers proof aplenty. As Daisy, a delicate girl who thinks she’ll die from a paper cut, Linch is hilarious, making on-cue transitions to a girl possessed, unstoppable, and fearless–a girl who fights with a frying pans and fruit becomes a girl who black-belt kicks with precision. Yes! “Lazy Daisy” (nicknamed that by Linch) becomes “Dynamic Daisy” (nicknamed that by us) faster than a ghost can disappear. And for Linch’s natural talent with humor, Kung Fu Ghost is a perfect showcase. From what we’ve seen (in a particular kitchen-ninja attack scene), if you love to laugh, and if you love martial arts, you should love this one. How do we know so much already? Thanks to Linch, SJR has already seen advanced screenings of completed scenes. Along with that, we have bonus screenshots and behind-the-scenes production photos too! And we have it all for you here (including the “Lazy Daisy vs. Ninja” scene, below)!

Yes! There will be ninjas!
Will Daisy defend and protect the family treasure (if there really is one)? How much ninja butt will she kick in the process? Will Granpa’s spirit withstand the farces of evil, until the story’s end? (And yes, I meant to say “farces.”) Will Daisy forever fear death from a paper cut and continue to be just a daisy? Will she find her own Kung Fu skills within herself, or must Grandpa be with her forever? And, will Daisy always offer ninjas coffee, before kicking their butt? We certainly hope so! These are just a few of the questions we ask, as the countdown continues. T minus 7…6…5…

Ninjas beware! Daisy (Jennifer Linch) is more than you’ve bargained for…and then some!
Kung Fu Ghost stars Jennifer Linch, Mark Atkinson, Whitney Wegman-Wood, Noah Sargent, Eddie Lain, David S. Dawson, Naran Naran, and Rene Fernandez. It’s produced by Joe D’Amato, Jérôme Dolbert, Robert Brooke Eldridge, Lee B. Golden, and Jennifer Linch, with cinematography by Jérôme Dolbert, written by Ivan White, and directed by Jennifer Linch. Stay tuned to Space Jockey Reviews for all the latest! Until launch time, enjoy these bonus screenshots, behind-the-scenes photos, and more!

From a scene Linch calls “Lazy Daisy vs. The Ninja” (featured below)

With drama too, it looks like Linch has left nothing out of this one!

Yes! What would a good supernatural comedy/mystery/action combo be without a little drama?

A camera’s-eye view of director Jennifer Linch in action!

Jennifer Linch possessed with the spirit of Grandpa, practicing on the set!

A Kung-Fu kick to the groin, during rehearsal! Maybe he’ll get his lines right next time! Ha, ha!

And finally, a little behind-the-scenes exercising!

Or, better yet, a smiling Jennifer Linch, as a finale!
“Lazy Daisy vs. The Ninja”– a scene from Kung Fu Ninja. Enjoy!
Like and Follow Jennifer Linch on Facebook!
Follow Jennifer on Twitter at @JenniferLinch
Check out Jennifer Linch’s Nameless Studios!
Chris Rennirt is a movie critic and writer in Louisville, Kentucky, as well as editor-in-chief at Space Jockey Reviews. He has been a judge at many film festivals, including Macabre Faire Film Festival and Crimson Screen Film Fest, and he attends horror and sci-fi conventions often. Chris’ movie reviews, articles, and interviews are published regularly on Space Jockey Reviews and in Effective Magazine. His mission statement (describing his goals as a movie critic and philosophy for review writing) can be found on the “Mission” page, here at SJR. For more information about Chris Rennirt (including contact details, photos, and more), click here.
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