Fasten your seat belts, and start the countdown! With writer, director, cinematographer, actress, and model Jennifer Linch, the rockets are always fueled and ready to launch! Yes, Jennifer is a star as bright as any we’ve seen at Space Jockey Reviews, in the multiple trips we’ve made around the universe already! In this interview with actor and SJR favorite, John Paul Ouvrier, Jennifer reveals all the latest about her new action film series, Malevolence, coming in 2014! Inspired by her personal favorites, The Matrix, Sin City and more, she sets the high bar higher! Yes, Malevolence has all the Hong Kong kicks, body-weapons, and martial arts mayhem only Jennifer can do better! Trust the Space Jockey Reviews crew on that one! Jennifer’s goal is to be the first female director of an awesome “bloody, violent action movie,” using no special effects, wires, or Tinseltown trickery. This already has Malevolence on the radar and in the review queue at SJR! Quentin Tarantino take notice! Jennifer Linch is here!
If that’s not enough (and that’s already a galaxy-size portion), Jennifer also offers some great advice to aspiring actors, directors, etc. out there searching for success, beginning on Earth, limitless beyond the stars! “Don’t sit on the couch and daydream,” she says. “Get out there and create your own opportunity.” That, Jennifer has certainly done for herself with the greatest results, as an example for all to follow. In her honor a ten-rocket salute is hereby launched, with light-speed fanfare to spare! For all the latest about Jennifer Linch, Malevolence, and all else Jennifer, check Space Jockey Reviews! We will surely keep you updated! At SJR, Jennifer is always a VIP and fan favorite! Look for an interview with her right here, coming soon! 😀
In the meantime, also check out the awesome, literally butt-kicking video of Jennifer in martial arts motion not to miss. (Yes, you will want to see this more than once, so set that Youtube arrow on replay!). It’s beautifully shot, to match Jennifer,
If that’s not enough again, it’s all followed by a stunning fashion video of Jennifer, byFollow Jennifer Linch on Facebook!
Check out Jennifer Linch on IMDb!
Subscribe to Jennifer on Youtube, for bonus videos, and more!
For all the latest, “Like” Malevolence on Facebook!
Also, look for John Paul Ouvrier as Hunter Hemlock, in Malevolence!

Can we ever get enough of Jennifer doing that awesome high kick, inviting whatever her way? Absolutely not!
Check out the video of Jennifer Linch, by
Yes, Jennifer is a Space Jockey Reviews ten-rocket favorite, easily!

Rocket Rating – 10