MUSEUM, ALIEN, EROEFFNUNG, AUSSTELLUNG, SCHLOSS Published May 17, 2014 at 909 × 641 in H.R. Giger: Creator of Worlds Der Kuenstler Hans Ruedi Giger lehnt an eine seiner Schoepfungen in seinem Haus in Zuerich, aufgenommen 1995. (KEYSTONE/Martin Ruetschi) === === You may also like these! Meteorite Detecting With MG Technology H.R. Giger: Creator of Worlds The 28th Day: The Wrath of Steph THE PACT: A Short-Film to Feature-Film Comparison and Review The Torment of Laurie Ann Cullom: Pray It's Only a Movie! TOKYO GORE POLICE ROSE WHITE Crawl or Die DARK HOUSE Hellraiser vs. Event Horizon: Liberate Tutamet Ex Inferis