Effective Magazine #27, featuring model Kim Avvy (Cover Photo by Sinzia Photography)
It’s back! Yes! Effective Magazine is back with issue #27, this time with cover girl and feature talent Kim Avvy (with awesome photos by Sinzia Photography). Editor Lien Mya Nguyen has brought the cutting-edge artist/entertainment magazine back with a 46-page reboot and a ten-rocket launch at Space Jockey Reviews! In both digital and print form, this is surely an issue not to miss!
What’s more? A lot! Aside from the beautiful and talented Kim Avvy on the cover, the latest issue includes an exclusive interview with SJR Editor in Chief Chris Rennirt! Chris talks about everything from his other hobbies, his menagerie of pets, his experience judging film festivals, upcoming projects, and more! Also featured are Alembin’s Art Lines & Designs, Producer Carmine Caradonna from FUNN Pictures Entertainment, and a spotlight interview with Indie actress Kat Kemmet from Idol Features’ Chris Charles.
As editor Lien Mya Nguyen says, Effective Magazine helps the talents of the independent world and “lets the talents express themselves.” Indeed it does! Support Effective Magazine, and enjoy a good read! Get your copy today!
To get your copy of Effective Magazine #27, click here!
Follow Lien Mya Nguyen on Facebook and Twitter!
“Like” Kim Avvy on Facebook at @kimavvyofficial!
Subscribe to Kim’s Youtube channel at www.youtube.com/user/kimavvyreyes!
Interested in submitting entertainment-related articles and content to Effective Magazine? Contact Lien Mya Nguyen, and express yourself today! Actors, models, photographers, filmmakers, and all in entertainment are welcome!