Yes! The latest double feature from Space Jockey Reviews favorite Jennifer Linch is too much to pass up, even with a full payload in the queue! Jennifer outdoes herself again with bonus bloopers and an exclusive behind-the-scenes featurette from her upcoming martial arts/fantasy comedy, The Dream. Clowning around on the set has gone viral beyond the galaxy already with actors Dustin Stern-Garcia, John Paul Ouvrier, Marty Fallor, Apollo Askew, Rochell Leslie, Morgan Macedo, Jennifer Linch herself, and more!
What’s more? A lot! The satin-dressed siren with a sword, Jennifer, jumps and dances again, through a comedy treat worth multiple viewings. Imagine all this and more, with “Gummy Bear” music you’ll sing in the shower! Yes! The Lady in Red is the talk of the universe again, ad infinitum! Like a binary star system gone nova, Jennifer shines ever brighter in a double feature! Don’t miss the fun, the laughs, the screenshots and more, right here at Space Jockey Reviews! Like Jennifer says, “Yeah, that is how we roll,” and:
“[It’s] an unforgettable comedy, so funny you will pee your pants!” ~ Jennifer Linch
Will you really pee your pants? Who knows! But, keep an extra pair of underwear just in case! In space, no one can hear you pee, but underwear are hard to find.
Look for The Dream, coming soon! The adventure begins January 1 2015!
And now, for our exclusive Space Jockey Reviews presentation, Making a Movie: The Dream, straight from Jennifer Linch! Enjoy and, by all means, be a gummy bear!
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If you haven’t heard Jennifer’s interview with SJR, click here now!
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